Stop following the herd. Be the heard.

Square pegs, round holes

Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2022


I’m here because you need me.

To tell you to have a word with yourself.

Come on, admit it. You know why I’m here.

It’s because you need this chat.

Because you started the year with the greatest of intentions but already 2022 has dwarfed them.

And the truth is you were misguided in the first place.

So it’s time for a late-January reboot.

To get things right this time.

To be fair to yourself.

For permission to do whatever the heck makes you feel good, rather than worrying how that might affect others.


Funny word. We’ve typically associated permission with authority.

If that synergy works, keep it. Otherwise, hurl it.

Permission here means giving yourself the right to not give a shit what anyone else says.

The malingering truth is the illusion of interest.

Every single one of us has hesitated in pushing forward fearful someone else will rail against what we have to say.

Projects that otherwise would have changed the world have laid in tatters because their creator got fearful about perception.

It’s almost a curse. But there’s a cure. It’s called do it anyway.

Safe in the knowledge that it’s no one else’s business, even if they cared.

Which they don’t. They never do.

Who you are. What you do. It’s all about you. No one else.

You need to fully embrace being that square peg in the round hole. Which is another myth, since you have the drill and the map and if that hole should be square, you’ve already made it so.

I just want you to remember that we had this chat. It’s more important than anything else you’ll read this year. Because it will make your year. Right here, right now, your year changes.

Tomorrow you’re going to do it. You’re gonna write it on a wall. Look at it each day. And daily get a step closer to doing it, living it, being it.

That chatter can pipe down. If not, grab some headphones and grind through it.

Because come 2023 all you’ve got to show for this year is the effort you put in ignoring the noise and just being that sweet little thing that’s yourself.

Go show you that you’ve put yourself first for a change. Because self love means loving the one person who can change our world.

Be beautiful. It’s what we all deserve.

